Autumnal asthenia is a fairly common syndrome related to the seasonal and climatic changes typical of the season. And it is that when autumn arrives, many people feel more tired, apathetic or with less energy than normal.
Seasonal changes often upset the body, making it cost more than necessary to adapt to the new season. In autumn, especially, with the drop in temperatures, the arrival of the rains or the reduction of hours of sunlight, you may notice more fatigue, exhaustion, and not wanting to make plans. If you are aware of these changes and they worry you, you can relax, you are not the only one, and there is a solution.

To begin with, autumnal asthenia is not a disease; it is a syndrome that usually lasts for a few weeks, the period that the body needs to adjust to the seasonal change. It has a scientific explanation produced by the lack of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep; with the decrease in sunlight, melatonin increases, and the feeling of tiredness. On the other hand, serotonin decreases, thus generating drowsiness, fatigue and tiredness in general. Frequently, this hormonal imbalance is also associated with greater difficulty concentrating and a reduction in defences.

Recovering healthy lifestyle habits is essential to cope with autumnal asthenia. Practicing physical exercise regularly, respecting the daily hours of sleep, dedicating time to leisure and hobbies, and maintaining a positive attitude are habits that will greatly help you prevent or overcome this syndrome.

Meanwhile, food is key to maintaining good physical and emotional health, becoming an important factor to consider to combat autumnal asthenia. The diet must be healthy and balanced, prioritizing foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as fruits and vegetables. However, some foods are more beneficial and effective than others to provide extra energy and good spirits due to their nutritional contribution.

Legumes and nuts to increase energy. It has been shown that it needs to eat good quality protein every day for the body to function properly. Legumes and nuts are foods rich in high-quality vegetable protein, low in saturated fat and rich in iron and minerals, a great source of 100% healthy energy.

Foods are rich in Omega 3 for a good mood. Bluefish is a good ally to combat autumnal asthenia. Fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel or sardines stand out for their richness in Omega 3 fatty acids, an essential nutrient that acts as a powerful neuroprotectant helping to improve the cognitive functions of the brain, protecting it from oxidative damage and inflammation. Other foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are avocado, pumpkin, chia seeds, olive oil.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C is essential to protect us against temperature changes and produce white blood cells, those responsible for defending the body from external aggressions. There are many fruits and vegetables with a high content of vitamin C, such as oranges, tangerines, grapes and kiwis. However, there is also a long list of vegetables rich in vitamin C that you can include in your diet to keep your defences at bay. Bell pepper, broccoli, spinach, garlic or basil are great sources of vitamins and the perfect allies to boost your immune system.

Food to combat stress. On many occasions, the return to the routine after the summer is accompanied by fatigue and stress. The hectic pace of day-to-day schedules and obligations can cause anxiety and stress typical of autumn asthenia. To minimize its effects, some foods help combat stress, such as asparagus, due to its high content of folic acid, fibre and vitamin B; the natural yogurt that helps to regenerate the intestinal flora and favours the production of serotonin; dark chocolate, high in antioxidants and magnesium, which reduces stress hormone levels; lemons and oranges, citrus fruits rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, to stimulate the immune system and slow down cortisol levels; or bananas, which provide potassium and tryptophan with a great anti-stress effect.

With the arrival of autumn, not a few people experience a feeling of tiredness, lack of vitality, difficulty in concentration and drowsiness due to the decrease in the hours of sunshine, which is known as autumnal asthenia. Autumnal asthenia is generally something temporary that only requires a short period of adaptation and to readjust our schedules and habits to this season of the year.

To combat it, as we have already mentioned, recovering healthy lifestyle habits is essential. Practice exercise io physical, maintain a positive attitude and, of course, a good diet. These habits will greatly help you prevent or overcome this syndrome. In this article, we leave you a list of foods that will restore your vitality.


Vitamin C is essential to protect us against temperature changes and for the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for defending the body from external aggressions and strengthening our immune system. In addition, they provide antioxidants, the absence of which causes oxidative stress that causes continuous asthenia. There are many fruits and vegetables with a high content of vitamin C, such as:

-Oranges and mandarins








It is an essential amino acid key to the manufacture of serotonin, which turns into melatonin at night and helps you sleep well. And it is only obtained through food, so you must include it in your menus. You can find it in these foods:



-Dark chocolate








It has been shown that it needs to eat good quality protein every day for the body to function properly. Legumes and nuts are foods rich in high-quality vegetable protein, low in saturated fat and rich in iron and minerals, a great source of 100% healthy energy.

In addition, its high contribution of essential fatty acids helps us improve mood and increases academic performance. Without forgetting that, in the case of legumes, their large amount of iron provides extra energy. Some of them are:








This autumn food boosts the defence system, stimulates brain activity and revitalizes the body thanks to its richness in iodine. In addition, they are rich in minerals, vitamins B, C, D and E and proteins, essential to combat autumn asthenia. The seasonal ones are:




-Mucous membrane



Oily fish is rich in vitamin B6, necessary to transform tryptophan into serotonin. In addition, it stands out for its richness in omega three fatty acids and its beneficial properties to help reduce bad cholesterol. It is perfect for taking care of the health of our heart and our arteries.

The richest are:






Glucose is the “fuel” of the brain. And to achieve the optimal amount, the intake of complex and simple carbohydrates is necessary, giving preference to complex ones, which provide you with energy gradually so as not to have crashes and avoid peaks in blood sugar.

You can use:





-Moderate sugar