They can provide essential amino acids.

As it is an intermediate evolutionary pathway between plants and animals, its protein is closer to that of the latter, ours, and therefore it is considered of higher biological value, since in some genera, such as Pleurotus sp (that of the oyster mushroom), you can find all the essential amino acids, according to a study.

They can be a substitute for meat

Both for its protein, which, although not very abundant, is of high quality, as for its content in essential amino acids and its umami flavour, mushrooms can help us reduce the weekly intake of red meat. We recommend the article Foods that can help us say goodbye to meat.

They can improve the diversity of the microbiota

Several studies (this one and this one) support that the lignin in mushrooms can help improve the diversity of the intestinal flora favouring certain bacteria that would intervene in the reduction of obesity.

They provide anti-inflammatory compounds

Some of the carbohydrates in certain mushrooms are rich in beta-glucans, a polysaccharide that this review provides great benefits as an anti-inflammatory and immune system builder. This publication also has the same effect.

They help reduce bad cholesterol

Some mushrooms are rich in conjugated linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that helps lower bad metabolic cholesterol or LDL. In addition, its amounts are moderate with supplements of this acid, which have been described as dangerous after some studies in mice.
We are in autumn, and many plant foods find their best season of consumption. Among them, the mushrooms, of which today we reveal their properties, benefits and possible uses in the kitchen.
Properties of mushrooms

Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of different fungi or any fungus that has the shape of an umbrella or a foot with a hat on top.

Although they are foods of plant origin that are not vegetables or greens, in nutritional terms, they are very similar to them because they have high water content and low caloric intake.
Your weekly diet with Vitónica: menu rich in vitamin D, ideal for autumn
In Vitónica
Your weekly diet with Vitónica: menu rich in vitamin D, ideal for autumn

They are also a source of complex hydrates, although they provide higher protein content than many vegetables. Among its minerals and vitamins, potassium, selenium and vitamins of group B stand out, finding an appreciable amount of vegetable iron in some specimens such as chanterelles.

In addition, they are a source of various bioactive compounds, among which are polyphenols, which confer antioxidant properties, as indicated in a study published in Food Chemistry.

As if that weren’t enough, research highlights antitumor, antibacterial and lipid-lowering properties in fungi.

Benefits of mushrooms

Due to their protein and complex carbohydrate content and their fibre and low energy intake, mushrooms are good alternatives for those looking to lose weight by eating healthy.

Likewise, some studies consider them useful to prevent chronic diseases such as hypertension, obesity or others associated with lifestyle, especially due to their low content of excessively harmful nutrients such as sodium, sugars or fats, but rich in antioxidant compounds and anti-inflammatories.
What can we expect from the new mushroom season (and wherein Spain can we already collect them)
Directly to the Palate
What can we expect from the new mushroom season (and wherein Spain can we already collect them)

In this way, and due to their blood cholesterol-lowering effect and their richness in water and potassium, mushrooms could reduce cardiovascular risk factors and the risk of atherosclerosis, as concluded by an investigation published in the journal Phytotherapy.

How to use mushrooms in the kitchen

Mushrooms grow on the ground, in a humid environment and without much light. Therefore, they usually come to our hands with traces of dirt typical of this habitat.

Before consuming them, we must clean them properly, being able to use a brush to remove the surface soil and then a damp cloth, or someplace them under the tap (fine thread of water) to wash them and then dry them, thus guaranteeing their elimination of all other dirt.
Mushrooms, shiitake, oyster mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, thistle mushrooms, and chanterelles are part of your diet? Are you ignorant of their exquisite flavours and textures or, although you love to cook them, you still don’t know their virtues? In this article, you will be able to know up to 11 impressive benefits of mushrooms on your health.

Straddling the animal kingdom and Vegeta Edible mushrooms have been part of the culinary customs of humanity for centuries. According to the FAO, there are around a thousand mushrooms suitable for consumption. In Spain, the ideal time to collect and consume this delicacy fresh is autumn, although cultivated mushrooms can be found throughout the year.

Fresh Plaza points out that Europe is the largest market for cultivated mushrooms, representing more than 35% of the global market, according to a study collected in 2015. The continent that takes the cake in its consumption in Asia, with China at the top. Head. Mushrooms have been cultivated there for millennia. Asia also treasures other large producers such as Korea, Japan or India.

Its umami flavour, its earthy aromas and its enormous versatility make mushrooms food for your dishes not only very tasty but also very healthy. These are 11 benefits of mushrooms covered by various scientific studies.
Slow the progression of prostate cancer

Amazing benefits of mushrooms

New research presented in March 2021 at the Endocrine Society pointed out this, focused on white mushrooms. In the study conducted in mice, white button mushroom extract suppressed androgen receptor activity and inhibited tumour growth within six days. Lead author Xiaoqiang Wang said more research is needed.

Another Japanese study that followed 36,000 Japanese for 10 years found that those who ate mushrooms 3 times a week had a 17% lower risk of prostate cancer.