Seasonal changes influence our body and mood. The arrival of autumn and the consequent reduction in the hours of sunlight and the time spent outdoors directly affect most people.

These changes in mood, energy and mood in the first days of autumn are called asthenia. Dr. Stella Maris Cuevas, an otolaryngologist, an expert in smell and an allergist, explains to Infobae that it is a state of fatigue, apathy, weakness and exhaustion, which arises as a consequence of the lack of adaptation or the difficulties that the body presents to accommodate seasonal changes.

These changes include hourly modifications and, consequently, alter the daily routine:

As it gets dark earlier, melatonin, which is the hormone that regulates the circadian cycle, is advanced.
It decreases the production of serotonin (a neurotransmitter known as the happiness hormone), which causes an imbalance in the body: an imbalance occurs, and the body must adapt to these circumstances.

Symptoms of autumnal asthenia

Although the symptoms of autumnal asthenia are not serious, according to the specialist, these can affect the quality of life of those who present them. Some of the most frequent manifestations are:

Decrease in work and school performance.
Reduced energy and motivation for regular tasks.
Altered mood and mood: depressive symptoms may be accentuated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tiredness, sadness, apathy, lack of interest and irritability.
Lack or excess of appetite.
Decreased libido
Difficulty getting to sleep.

It is a process of adaptation to the new season, and it is something transitory that disappears as the days go by. In some cases, these symptoms are accompanied by pictures typical of autumn, especially in people with allergies, flu and colds appear.

It is very important to carry out the differential diagnosis with seasonal affective disorder, in which the patient already has a diagnosis of depression, and seasonal changes are added to this.

Another aspect to take into account is the asthenia that people who have had covid-19 present. This decline is very common in those recovering; it can last up to weeks and is in addition to what occurs naturally at this time of year.
Tips for recovering energy

autumnal asthenia remedies

The prevention of autumnal asthenia is very important so as not to lose energy and to be able to continue with the rhythm of daily life. Here are some tips you can follow:

Choose light menus and hydrate yourself. Choose a healthy diet with seasonal and light foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish. Avoid processed foods rich in fat or sugar. In addition, it is advisable to eat about five times a day to maintain energy levels. On the other hand, hydration is also important, drink two and a half litres of water a day and always carry a bottle with you so you can drink when you need it.

Take advantage of sunlight. As we have seen previously, the reduction of the hours of sunlight is one of the causes of asthenia, so you should make the most of the hours of light. In this way, your body will generate serotonin, and you will feel better.

Get involved in physical activity. Sport is essential at any time of our life and time of year, and also in autumn. With the practice of sports, we secrete endorphins that make us feel better. The most advisable thing is to do a moderate-intensity exercise every day and in daylight hours. You can, for example, go for a walk. If you do it in a park or a natural place, it will be better to breathe fresh air and relax. In this post, we propose you several apps to play sports.

Take care of your hours of rest. As we have already highlighted, among the symptoms of autumnal asthenia are sleep-related disorders. To avoid them, you can go to bed and get up simultaneously every day, trying to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Look for activities that motivate you. Think about what you like to do, and if you like to DIY, you can sign up for classes or dedicate a moment each day to that activity; if you like to write, you can go to a creative writing course. Ultimately, think of activities that increase your motivation and take time to feel better.

Regulate the schedules to adapt them to your routine. The daily routine that begins with autumn requires us to adapt our schedules, so you can prepare a weekly table with the activities you want to do and the schedules to have time to do everything that it proposes.

Take vitamins and supplements with medical supervision. If When you consult with your doctor, and they diagnose you with autumnal asthenia, you can ask about the possibility of taking vitamins and nutritional supplements that help you regain energy. If you want to know more about FIATC services, check our website.

asthenia natural treatment

Preventing symptoms is in your hands.

After the summer holidays, for many, it is time to resume the daily routine, go back to work and assume the usual obligations. Getting used to all these changes is difficult. Little by little, in addition, the days will get shorter, and the hours of light will be reduced.

Since not all of us react in the same way to changes in routine, the most sensitive may suffer the symptoms of asthenia in this period.
Autumn asthenia can alter your rhythm of life with the change of season, but it is in your hands to prevent the symptoms and adapt as soon as possible to autumn.
The early arrival of the autumn season is characterized by a drop in temperatures, a reduction in daylight hours and a return to routine. This can mean a low mood, difficulty concentrating, poor appetite, tiredness, drowsiness, and decreased defences for many. A series of alterations caused by the body’s adaptation process to seasonal changes can affect daily performance at work.

Although these symptoms, commonly known as ‘autumn asthenia,’ are transitory, they directly influence employee motivation and productivity. For this reason, it is very important that during the 15 days that this disorder usually lasts, various actions focused on health care and well-being are undertaken. Of course, suppose the symptoms are of low mood or stress perpetuate beyond this period. In that case, it is advisable to consult a specialist to rule out a true generalized anxiety syndrome or chronic stress, which would require more specific treatment. “, Indicates the Dra. Marta López Tomás, E-Health Medical Manager of Cigna Spain.