Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day because the foods eaten are the first ones after a long period of fasting derived from the hours in which one is asleep; breakfast also precedes the hours of the day when there is more activity, more significant energy expenditure.
Breakfast is part of our healthy habits, do not forget to do it daily.

Undersecretariat of Prevention and Health Promotion

A high percentage of the adult population does not eat breakfast or eat breakfast very late, and it is estimated that 2 out of 10 children do not eat breakfast, while adolescents eat their first meal until approximately ten in the morning, even though it is recommended to eat breakfast one hour after waking up.

Children and adolescents who eat breakfast properly have a better physical and intellectual performance; An optimal breakfast provides 20 to 25% of the daily caloric requirement in addition to helping to achieve an adequate intake of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats).

People who do not eat breakfast are more likely to be obese due to prolonged fasting, and when the first meal is received, the body responds by accumulating it as an energy reserve.

An optimal breakfast should include:

Bread and preferably whole grains provide the body with fibre and carbohydrates that provide energy, vitamins and minerals.
Low-fat dairy products that provide protein, calcium, and vitamins.
Fruits that provide water, vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
Protein foods provide protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

Many get up in a hurry and do not eat breakfast or gobble something on the way to work, a practice that directly affects the body’s ability to start a new day properly.

First thing in the morning, the body has not received food for between eight and ten hours, which means that when you wake up, your blood sugar (glucose) levels are lower than usual, so it is necessary to eat breakfast so that you carry out daily activities accordingly.
Skipping breakfast negatively affects physical and intellectual performance.

Andrea Valenzuela, a nutritionist at ClĂ­nica Alemana, explains that skipping breakfast affects the physical, mental, and nutritional state since it generates decay, lack of concentration, and bad mood due to the primary glucose deficit of primary energy fuel – that produces the fast.

This affects performance both at work and the academic level. “At school age, for example, it conditions learning because the capacity for expression, memory, creativity and problem solving are particularly affected,” she points out.
Health benefits

Breakfast should cover 20% of the daily energy needs, and the idea is that it is consumed no later than two hours after waking up. According to the specialist, some of the health benefits are:

Improved nutritional status: Having eaten breakfast makes it easier to choose foods with less fat and richer in fibre, vitamins and minerals when eating the other meals of the day.
Weight control: dividing the calories into four or five meals helps not to overload any of them. This also helps avoid "snacking" between meals (snacks, sweets, sweets, sugary drinks, among others).
Physical and intellectual performance: people who skip breakfast set in motion a series of mechanisms at the organic level, such as a decrease in the hormone insulin and an increase in cortisol and substances such as adrenaline, dopamine, among others. These hormonal changes alter or condition behaviour and negatively influence physical and intellectual performance.

Full breakfast

This meal should include one food from each of the following groups:

A cereal: for example, bread (ideally whole grain), tortilla, oatmeal or healthy box cereal (low in sugar, sodium and high in fibre).
A vegetable: avoid natural juices. It is recommended to eat whole fruit or vegetables (tomato, arugula, lettuce, pickles on bread accompanied by crude olive or canola oil)
Some food rich in protein: such as eggs (not fried), low-fat ham, milk, lean cheeses, low-fat and low-sugar yogurt, among others.
Consume sugar in moderation, no more than two level teaspoons for one bowl. If you are overweight or obese, it is recommended to use a non-caloric sweetener, for example, sucralose or stevia.