In this particularity, the previous rule is not entirely correct since protein is not the same as a calorie from fat or one that comes from carbohydrates. The one that comes from protein feeds the muscles (not fat), and excess carbohydrates accumulate as fat.
In addition, protein adds muscle (keep in mind that you have to do sports, just eating it does not work) and what it does is increase the basal metabolism, which is nothing other than what our body burns simply by living. In addition, the body consumes more calories for processing protein than when processing carbohydrates or fats, so we burn more fat with that.
For all this, if your diet has more protein, it will already consume more fat, even when both diets contain the same amount of calories, hence in the first trick, we emphasized that the mathematics of eating fewer calories than you do not always You consume it lowers fat, eating more protein although you put more calories than those you burn, you lower more fat.
If you do weights, you should eat 2g for every kilogram you weigh (although it should be for every kilogram of muscle you have, for which you should measure your body fat level), but eating between 1 and 1.5 grams per kilo is more than enough. You can do this by eating tuna, turkey or chicken breast, steaks, egg whites, protein powder, or cottage cheese, lowering your fat intake to less than 20% of the total.
Eat more times a day.
Although you will not increase your metabolism at all, it is an excellent way to eat less at the end of the day, since by eating more small meals, the body feels full longer and manages to control the feeling of hunger than with large meals perfectly.
Of course, in the end, the important thing is the caloric total of the day, but this trick serves not to exceed that total and to be able to carry a hypocaloric diet.
Lower your carbohydrate intake
It is essential to lower your fat intake, but as necessary or more is trying to reduce the hormones that accumulate fat and one way to control them is by cutting carbohydrate intake, since when eating them, insulin is released, which is a hormone that prevents fat decomposes and favours its accumulation.
This is where the glycemic index of food comes in, which is simply the amount of insulin released that a portion of food causes when it is assimilated, and each carbohydrate has a different index, the higher the glycemic index, the more insulin released, therefore the more important it is to discard that type of carbohydrate because it is not suitable for burning fat which is our goal.
Now, what are these high glycemic index carbohydrates? White rice, potatoes, sweets, white bread, many bowls of cereal and cakes of any kind. What about those with a low glycemic index? Whole grains, oats, sweet potatoes and legumes should be what we eat in resorting to carbohydrates. Reducing the amount of rice or pasta you eat by half is also a good trick if before you add two cups, add one; if you add 100gr, add 50gr.
Go ahead with green tea!
Tea is one of the healthiest drinks you can drink and more so if it is a green tea that has been shown to help get rid of triple. The assets that make up green tea raise hormones that send signals to fat cells to break down and release fat into the stream as energy.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that drinking green tea helps reduce body fat, mainly that of the abdomen.
The properties of tea are linked to compounds called catechins, a well-known belly fat burner. So swap your morning coffee for a cup of green tea for faster, more efficient weight loss and more health benefits.
Control carbohydrate intake
No, it is not about eliminating carbohydrates; in fact, it can be harmful. But you do have to avoid foods high in carbohydrates and, at first, even reduce your intake a lot, according to studies from the US National Institutes of Health.
A diet with a controlled carbohydrate intake means reducing the glycemic index, that is, how a food raises blood glucose levels. A diet to lose abdominal fat should be based on perceived 43% of calories from carbohydrates and 39% of calories from fat (better high-quality such as EVOO or avocado or nuts, for example), compared to a standard diet that is based on 55% of calories from carbohydrates and 27% from fat.
That is, reduce carbohydrates.
In conclusion, we did not know anything but what we must be more aware of to get rid of abdominal fat and show off a p belly. Lano, we must combine a complete and healthy diet with a complete exercise program that will allow us to lose weight and forget about love handles.